We're spending money from a budget that is only limited by the imaginations of the politicians who are trying to figure out how to get a bigger share of the pie for the constituents who they are pandering to, so if we take a little from here and a little from there and there'll be enough to pay for all those additional over-price under-performing test kits.

Since I wasn't given a choice about whether or not to buy a ticket on this out of control express train that we all seem to suddenly find ourselves on, I'm going to let it take me wherever it takes me and expect that I'll come out clean and fresh and ready to go when the ride is over. From my perspective a 99.7% survival rate is like playing cards with house money, you can hardly lose. I know that people are going to die, but people die all of the time and it seldom effects me, so why should this be any different? When it is all over, I'll either read the book or wait for the movie to come out.