Originally Posted by Etoh
Originally Posted by 19352012
Better living through chemistry

Not near enough said in this area.

Most of the "supplements" available for outstanding old peoples youth look are not affordable. Unless you are a Hollywood type or at least in the six figure category.

Growth Hormone shots $1000 a month
Hormone replacement creams, pills, etc. from $200 to $600 a month.
Botox shots for cosmetic contour $100 - $200 a month

this isn't considering the foods, and nutritional supplements and in a lot of cases the professional training counseling.

HGH...human growth hormone....its a magic fountain of youth here. I hit the local gym 4x per week along with my wife. You see 65-75 year old guys built like Tarzan, tearing it up on the weights and treadmills like they were 25-30 years old. It's expensive here...about $1500 a month prescribed by a doc. Got a gym buddy that can almost keep up with me on the weights. Almost...but hes 87 years old. Crazy.

You only live once, but...if you do it right, once is enough.