There is a legit gripe with a guy who lets his girlfriend change the battery in his Jeep because she doesn’t want him to pay a shop to do it. It happened to my youngest, and she dumped his sorry azz. She is still looking for a serious guy, because, as she told me, she wants a man who can fix and build things. Kid was helping me on the roof at 11, butchering chickens at 12(as well as helping with the processing on hogs, deer and cattle), learned to clean her own drains at thirteen. Damn long hair clogs them quick, and I did it once, made her watch, and she got to do it after that. Girl can fix more stuff than most of the guys she has dated and works in the operating room at the local hospital. The country is in a pitiful place, fellas.

Big problem is most folks these days see learning as work. And work as something to be avoided. Learning is opportunity. I never turned down a chance to learn something, even if it was dangerous or dirty. Had a lot of jobs, a decent amount of schooling, and done things a lot of folks have to pay through the nose to learn. Never spent much time unemployed, far more time trying to keep up with what people were asking for. Only thing ever held me back was finding help that wanted to work and was willing to learn.

Last edited by OldGrayWolf; 05/19/20.