Originally Posted by jackmountain
Can't believe no one's stepped up and said "yes, I would rather my wife die of cancer than take chemo that would kill our unborn child, and I would advise my 13yr old daughter to carry, birth and raise the child of her rapist rather than commit the sin of abortion"


You usually just mouthy troll, but in this thread, you've become a whiny fuggin beotch.

Your question has already been answered, more than once.

Go back and see efw's reply on page 9, and my subsequent reply.

Many of us here here think the action is abhorrent, and disgusting, myself included, and we form a platform based on the majority of circumstances. You, apparently are not one of those folks. Congrats.

But a handful of us also realize there may be extenuating circumstances where as terrible as it is, it may make sense, as terrible and sad as it may be. There are a subset of men who understand life isn't always black and white, and 99.9% of the time we have a moral code, but there may be an extenuating circumstance (abortion due to rape or incest, killing someone who is killing your child, etc) that may be a possibility. Is that what you wanted vindication on? There. You have it. JFC.

It's like you are ROOTING for the pro-life libtard commie agenda.


The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.