Originally Posted by alwaysoutdoors
Go to the rural areas now??

Hahahaha .you cant make this stuff up. Its gonna get interesting for sure. Might be a “riot gun” involved. I heard the cash strapped Army officers sold them back in the day to civilians. JB weld a poly choke on and you can bird hunt with ‘em too.

Beav, went to the dark side last night by Google fu’n up some Mexican cartel kill videos.

I hit pay dirt with ISIS beheadings, shotgun blasts to the head and face, and even one where those fûcks made a Turkish pilot suck start the end of a AK-47.

Some technical questions would be answered for those unaccustomed to such things....Like, does brain matter wash out of clothes?

The world is a brutal place....Those who desire to bring America down, wreck her for no other purpose than to say I hate her freedom and liberty, deserve the same fate.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”