I wrote a review of a new riflescope (naturally from an advertiser) with lots of technical info--and was rebuked by one of the junior editors for not being "enthusiastic" enough about the scope.

"Enthusiastic". That's it. Not accurate, truthful, genuine. And so the reason for my minor burnout with the 2020 G&A Annual. I did drag the dry leftovers out of the coffee grounds in the kitchen garbage and read (scanned) more of the issue. Paid $7.95 plus tax might as well give a full review. Overall judgement, way too much "enthusiastic" review. But the Marlin 336 BTHSC review was still champ. It was obvious the author was pulling the last drop of milk from the tit before letting go. I get advertiser dollars. I get variety. I don't appreciate overly praising a product with accolades undeserved to falsely represent one's amazing ability to find meaning for praise where none is due; even to the point of highlighting one's own ignorance. Point of reference. Does factory 30-30 ammunition really contain quantity and type smokeless powder that fails to burn in over 16" of barrel length? I doubt it, but not being an expert anyone feel free to correct me. Enough talk. Have a good evening.

“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."