Originally Posted by bigsqueeze
Originally Posted by centershot
Biden has a chance as long as he never debates Trump live. If they ever get in a room together Trump will tear him apart. I believe all the Dems want him for is name recognition anyway. His term will be the shortest in history as they will find a way to say he is incompetent and put the VP in charge.
.............With regards to that...I think that Trump will call out and insist on more than one live stage debate with Joe. If Joe and his campaign fail to respond or use covid 19 as an excuse which is more likely, then imo that will reflect cowardice by Joe Biden and his campaign among the American people......

Trump will do his best to bait 'ol Joe into some live on stage debates.......

I think the debates will be totally entertaining and comical beyond anything we have ever seen before. Two total buffoons going at it.