Hillary carried the possibility of being the first of something.......a female President with cankles.

Exactly what does ol’ senile Joe have new to offer?

There will be less enthusiasm for Joe.....from Hillary women and the Bernie fruitcakes.

Trump is a thumb in the eye of the ruling class.

Do you honestly believe the polls.....after 2016?

Originally Posted by Tarquin
Trump lost the popular vote last time but won the election because the Dems did not turn out for Hillary. She was the most hated nominee in history and in any event, they thought she had it in the bag. We won't have that advantage this time. They will not make that mistake twice. They may not be hot on Joe Biden but they are hot to take out DJT. Will they???

"Those that think they know everything are annoying those of us that have Google." - Dr. D. Edward Wilkinson

Note to self: Never ask an old Fogey how he is doing today.
Revised note to self: Keep it short when someone asks how I am doing.