Roy just seems to have stories form around him. My wife says one of these days I'm going to invite some stranger home and he's going to be an axe murderer. I often learn people's first names and don't bother with the last. The friend that made that custom, octagonal handle on the Plumb double's name is Clarence. He happened to drop it off on Valentines day, so that was Carolyn's gift. She said, "does this axe murderer have a name?" I said, "Yes, Clarence". She said, "Hi, Clarence." Then she looked at me and said, "Does Clarence the axe murderer have a last lame?" I realized I didn't know his last name and blurted out, Clarence Multifacted." That's his screen name. Sooo, when Roy came over she said, "Does this axe murderer have a name?" I said, "Yes, this is Roy, he doesn't use axes he has guns." I think she just cracked up laughing after that. But, that's the short and long of it. I did pick up another double today. It's an early Keen Kutter in mint condition.

I'm not greedy, I just want one of each.

Remember Ira Hayes
