Welll...time was I would have been one "Type", still hunter. Sitting in a tree or blind STILL drives me to distraction, even after 53 years of hunting whitetails. As many have mentioned, "when I was younger", I should say that as well. Still hunting for a mile or two was no problem as I knew every landowner or was related to them. As I got older and we bought our far I had good, generous neighbors who let me hunt as most of them didn't. Killed a lot of deer and hogs up close and personal sneakin' up on them. Compared to out west a mile or two isn't far, you can see game that far away. In the Ozarks, it ain't like that. A mile or two through corn flakes is a long darn way.

When we lived in Wyoming it was hard to get away from the way I'd hunted for 30 years so I hunted the canyons and draws, going slow. It worked there as well as several mulies and a couple elk attest.

These days I can sit in my pop up blind for almost an hour. After that I'm headed back to the house. I've killed plenty of game and would just as soon work with an old rifle and obscure cartridge. Besides, I've dressed and butchered about all the big game I care to. I'd just as soon hunt skwerls.

NRA Benefactor 2008

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." John 14-6

There is no right way to do a wrong thing