I would generally just call myself a "big game hunter," as I like hunting mammals over birds. I definitely enjoy hunts where I can shoot multiple animals over a single animal. I think it stems from when I started hunting, I did not come from a family that hunted and did not have a lot of opportunities to hunt growing up (usually a long weekend, once or twice a year, typically without successfully finding anything to shoot). I know many here shot multiple deer a year growing up and still continue to do so; I didn't shoot my first deer until I was 19 after having been a "hunter" for 5 years. My hunting opportunities are still pretty limited now due to work and other obligations, so when I get time to go hunting, I like to maximize the amount of animals I can shoot (Africa is great for this). I enjoy processing and eating the animals I hunt, but it's not my primary reason for hunting and my home office shows a pretty strong bias for taxidermy.

If you died tomorrow, what would you have done today ...