I started going blacktail deer hunting with dad and grandpa when I was 3. I have a photo of mom and I with her big blacktail buck when I was three. They taught me how to think like a blacktail buck, and what the big, smart ones do to survive. I didn't believe all the old wives tales about how they'd sneak by a hunter on their knees, or how they'd let you stand on top of them for 10 minutes before exploding from under your feet. I believe it now. They are an amazing animal to hunt, incredibly smart, which oddly, makes them somewhat predictable to their own detriment. I''ve had good success with them so far, knock on wood.

Also have a passion for big black bears. Don't like to shoot them much anymore out of my immense respect for them but I hunt them and enjoy being in their woods.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack