I'm a "rescue dog" kind of guy. I've had a bunch of different ones over 50 yrs or so, and two things I can say for cdertain: Females are generally more controllable than males, (except when they are in heat), and Hungarian Viszlas almost train themselves.

I got Tessa as a rescue at about 6 weeks old, she's 5 yrs old now, and incredibly she has taught herself to hunt for us better than I could have trained her. At only thirty pounds, she's still an asset for me, since I'm a bit disabled, right down to the permits allowing vehicle use, so her willingness to work hard for me is a plus......she is also thoughtfull enough that she even allows me to sleep in her bed! She's great with kids, and really loves my wife too!

Maybe there are better breeds out there, but you have my vote.

Youthful enthusiasm is replaced by old age and treachery!