Originally Posted by hatari
"Why are Blacks 5x More Likely to be stopped and arrested than Whites" - the answer

The truth of the matter & the really, really simple answer is that Blacks commit (at least) 5x more crimes, per capita, that all other races combined.

So, yes, they are going to be likely to get caught 5x more times as well.

The want zero ownership or responsibility for their actions; they want all other to fall to their total lack of honesty, corruption, savagery, lack of integrity, lack of responsibility (for anything, including their kids) & their tribal ways so that we will just accept their actions as normal.

Fu^ck 'em......................time for the 87% to stop allowing the 13% to make all the rules.

Scan through this video, below, if you want to puke & be thoroughly disgusted...............Michigan's guv'nr crying racism about C-19 & listen carefully the the Lt. guv, who is definitely a flat out & unabashed racist himself, & all the rest of her totally incompetent staff.

Allowing these people position of authority is akin to committing suicide.


MI guv'nr & staff