Originally Posted by Joel/AK
I'm just glad it was in port. Fire at sea can be bad.

I fought several pier side fires when I was in the Navy. All arson IMHO yet all were attributed to other causes. During the Iranian Crisis all were headed to the I.O. The damned Navy didn't want to admit it had a real problem with personnel. Post Vietnam drug infested service that was not addressed until Reagan after the Nimitz incident in 1981. Reagan "swabbed the deck" after that, no tolerance policy.

What was an issue was that when the ship reached the I.O. the dope would dry up, can't have that.

By then I was thoroughly disgusted with the service. I had a real FTN attitude. Too damn many commands covering up too damn much [bleep] directly related to a weak hand on drug and alcohol issues. At all cost do not bring discredit to the command. Lies and sacrificing good sailors was the cost.

Had they really dug into the history of the thing many officers would have been drummed out for concealing facts.

Last edited by Armednfree; 07/13/20.

The older I become the more I am convinced that the voice of honor in a man's heart is the voice of GOD.