Originally Posted by ringworm
Originally Posted by shootem
Originally Posted by ringworm
We humans are all , genetically 99.99% identical.
Physical attributes such as skin color, hair textures and facial features are merely adaptations to environment.

What we call "Racism" is actually "CUTLURALISM".

The anti social culture or the urban American of African decent is hat I despise.
NOT the person or ancestors.

There are also differing mental attributes based on surviving thousands of years of particular environments. And I would not be at all surprised to know of genetic differences perhaps not yet recognized. American Africans have been free for over 150 years, have had segregated privileges for over 50, have been practically begged to accept racial based support to join American society and have the American dream. Yet they call all this lies, claim to be held back, claim to be targeted by police according to color not crime rate and still want to receive reparations for their ancestors' slavery. They make continual excuses for failure and the so called leaders make their money and fame off hatred and convincing the gullible they have no chance for success. All this is bull chit. Yes, even the police targeting. Black people get killed by police. So do white people and brown people. Allowing for the propensity for crime in the black dominated areas where the occupants refuse to identify criminals the ratios are staggeringly fair.

No other race of people in the United States, immigrants from foreign lands by design or forcibly including Irish slaves, has failed so miserably as the Negro. No other race of people in the world that I am aware of has failed so miserably to move it's own homeland forward as has the Negro. Any city, institution, country built by other races but taken over by the Negro race has taken a downward turn in crime and living conditions.

Show me where I'm wrong. Don't give me any yeah-buts. Give me facts. All other races overcome adversity. Negros cry discrimination. Look at the American Asian population. Look at the hispanics, even if they are illegal (and Caucasian). Except for the hispanic ghettos dominated by the criminal element you see success in each of these population groups. Not so the Negro as a group. Individually? Absolutely and I know those who have worked as hard as anyone could to succeed in life. But the majority? No.

And now in a period of a few months, a repetition of history that continues to occur, the black element of our society has again gone tribal. They have reverted to the violence and aggression and gang (tribal) related behavior visited on those they disagree with and who refuse to give up their goods, that worked well enough to keep them mostly alive in sub-Saharan Africa for millennia. The small amount of civilization built in Africa and bringing with it benefits to humanity (health care, continued food sources, safety for the innocent, etc) was brought or built by Europeans long after the Africans should have done it for themselves. Now that these amenities have been taken over by the original inhabitants they begin to languish. Black Chicago, Detroit, DC and other locations have begun to resemble current African culture by far more than the Western European culture offering opportunity for betterment few by percentage African heritage individuals have been willing to take advantage of. At this point in time the demand is not for opportunity but for grant.

Personally, this most recent display has been the final straw. I was told this was coming decades ago by people I considered to be over reacting. By people who claimed the Africans would never live in a Caucasian world as equals but would always be the Africans they were when brought over as slaves. Demanding more and doing less. I believed it less and less as I grew in age and career and expanded my world. Now, they make me wonder.

That's a long post to spout off a little BS!
So you think the Arican..ie an individual from certain geographic area, is inferior to an Anglo?
The people who built the pyramids while Europeans were running around digging up roots with sharp sticks?
You do realize that 60k years ago we were all Africans?
You really believe that trash?? That 2 infants raised together in identical habitats, with the same resources and culture, that the one of African decent will not thrive? Will not be able to problem solve?
Need I remind you, problem solving originates in survival.
The more harsh the environment the "smarter" the creature must be.

You're a little erroneous in your facts.

Egyptian DNA is currently 8% sub-Saharan African. Mostly Caucasian. And DNA from mummies 2000 years ago is ZERO percent sub-Saharan African. Negroes contributed nothing to the pyramids.

We were in fact all Africans 60 or 70 thousand years ago. But we have evolved under different conditions since then. There are many genetic differences. Skin color is just one of them.

"The more harsh the environment, the smarter the creature must be." This is true. Northern Europe is a much harsher environment than tropical Africa. Probably the reason why whites and Asians, on average, have higher IQs than blacks.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.