Originally Posted by duck911
Originally Posted by ringworm
We humans are all , genetically 99.99% identical.
Physical attributes such as skin color, hair textures and facial features are merely adaptations to environment.

What we call "Racism" is actually "CUTLURALISM".

In my mind and lexicon, it is actually "situational awareness".

It has nothing to do with the color of skin, race, creed, religion.... I could give a chit, the color of someone's skin. But it is location that matters.

I've been in places where brown, or black, or white are the main concerns for trouble, each different.

I conceal carry 99% of the time so I am an equal opportunity skeptic when trusting people in bad places (I generally trust most people in good places)

Operator, then?

Epstein didn't kill himself.

"Play Cinnamon Girl you Sonuvabitch!"

Biden didn't win the election.