Is racism really that bad? Racism is pre-judging people based on the color of their skin. Let's look at the ethics.

Does that violate any laws? No. In fact, it is protected free speech.
Does it violate any of the ten commandments? Maybe. Although love thy neighbor as thy self was never applied to people of different races as far as my study goes.

I think racism is about as bad as jaywalking. Bad form, but not the huge problem the race baiters would have you believe.

In fact, democrats have a huge vested interest in maintaining racial strife in the US. If half the blacks voted R, the democrat party would be done. They don't want solutions, they want an issue.

The real antidote to racism is capitalism. I could care less the color of the people who make the trucks I buy, produce the fuel, change the tires, etc. I hire black drivers same as white. Capitalism makes racism a non-issue. This is why leftists hate capitalism so much.