I read a study where there were a great difference in Africans from different areas in Africa, just like American indians from different areas from Canada to Florida. This is never talked about. Africans from Kenya were touted to be very smart and learn quickly. You never know about a source where you read this kind of thing. There was a study that said that most of the slaves from the Angola are went to SC and surrounding areas. Some tribes were very aggressive in capturing and selling slaves from specific areas not to far from major export cities in Africa.

There maybe some fact in genetics, but the truth will never come out.

Cultural issues, poverty, create a lot of mind sets that are passed down for generations. When jobs get scarce, people hire who they know. For example, Uncle Joe can barely spell cat, but he would be hired because he knows some body.

Faith in God, Leaning on the Holy Spirit for guidance has changed a lot of hearts and minds. In my area in the South, there are a lot of very devout Black Christian people that are more conservative than you could ever imagine. These Black Christian people are the first to tell you that these people that are rioting and burning are nothing but criminals.

Crime is crime, call it what it is, forget the race. Black people in particular are victimized by these black criminals.

Last edited by keith; 07/14/20.