Farmer...still do it. Worked for farmers doing various shixtty jobs. Lumberyard. Roofer. Worked as a jailer at what was basically a prison for kids. Railroad.
Originally Posted by Remsen
Delivering furniture to the projects of Oakland and San Francisco.
When I was working for the railroad, we were rebuilding track in South Dallas, which is the ghetto. We were basically in this semi-wild industrial area. Once in awhile there would be a community of old rundown houses. A bunch of us were parked in such a community and had to wind our way down through this wooded, weeded area to get to the worksite. As a guy with less seniority than many others, I usually had to stay late after the day was done and clean switches. You were just done-in and nobody wanted to do it, but, no choice. The switches absolutely HAD to be clean so they were operable in case a train needed to pass another or the like.

So one night one of the truck drivers comes down and says the locals are messing with our vehicles. Most railroaders kept a pretty nice vehicle. The locals had been lurking around all day, trading insults with us as we worked on the tracks. The foreman just dropped everything and said something to the effect of "let's get the f u ck out of here" and we just dropped our tools and left the switch inoperable. It was unheard of but it WAS a near-riotous situation. Oh well. The only danger of the tools being stolen was to pawn them. It's not like they were gonna use them or nothin'.