I'll never swerve so much that I'll leave the roadway. With that said, I drive like I've got sense, especially during the rut. If I see a deer crossing up ahead, I slow down because there's probably some more on their way.

Squirrels: If a tree rat runs out in front of me, he's on his own. I just hold course and speed.

Box Turtles: If I'm on a back road and can stop safely, I'll stop and get him off the road.

Snapping Turtles: These bastards can do some real damage. Even though I hate them, I try to miss them.

Rabbits: Same as squirrels, they're on their own.

Dogs: I would hate it if I ever hit a dog.

Cats: Try to miss, but I'm not going overboard.

Foxes: I give them a pass if I can.

Coyotes: Speed up and do my best to hit it. These bastards are becoming a real problem here.

Snakes: If it's a black snake, I'll try to miss it. Anything else gets Michelin tread design.

Possums: I try to miss them.

Coons: Same as possums.

Deer: I've hit 4 with damage ranging from $1000.00 to $4000.00. I'll try my damnest to miss them, but I'm not going to kill myself to do so.

This was the $4000.00 deal. I was doing 40 MPH in broad daylight. Came around a corner and it was a wall of deer. Luckily I only hit one.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan