If it is going to damage my vehicle, I try to avoid, otherwise, it's huntin' season.

The best way I know of to [bleep] up a pizen snake is to not merely run over it, but to lock the brakes and slide over it. Mixes up their insides with their outsides and smears both down the road, gravel or paved.

Coyotes .. I have not hit one, but I chased one almost 3 miles where the road was on a dike crossing a shallow lake. So I was trying to shoot him, but by the time I could get from 50-ish to stopped, he'd get out of range of my headlights so I'd have to haul ass to catch up again. As we were running out of lake, I put the coal to it and ran past him. He ducked off the side, then turned and went back the other direction so I chased his ass for 3 more miles. He got away but I betcha that was a tired mother [bleep] by the end of that night.

Jackrabbits, digger squirrels. I've run down a couple squirrels with a dirt bike. Huh .. this spring I ran one down on foot then beat it to death with a claw hammer. A little psycho perhaps but not bad for an old fat man.

I've hit a couple deer ... don't like that. Couple times it worked out ok, once it went badly. Oh, yeah, and one time I hit a bear with my dad's truck. He'd bought a new truck and was driving it home with mom, I was driving the old truck home. Just barely grazed it. In town .. uh, "town". Well, it had a name on a sign by the road. No stop lights, no cross walk, but some buildings.

Anyone who thinks there's two sides to everything hasn't met a M�bius strip.

Here be dragons ...