Originally Posted by lvmiker

... your refusal/inability to provide...

Miker the devoted gov. lackey wants people
to provide for him.

Like I said, Leopards don't change their spots.

Originally Posted by lvmiker

.... remain the poser, Rob.

Hmm.. This wacky 'Rob' thing is new for you
A has-been cop now riding shotgun on the
CF kook train ...enough said.

Everything indicates you were a lousy dimwhit
sheltered gov. workshop cop under the wing of
the mother hen police union.
Now that your special needs are no longer
catered to, you feel out in the cold, fragile
and vulnerable with an ego that dents easily.

There is therapy available for your condition.,
but your silly pride won't allow it, so you suffer
like a fool... Living in the past like you do is not
the cure, it just exacerbates your condition.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.