Gentleman, very much appreciate the time you've invested in helping answer questions. In the end, KDBs and many of other large breeds will need more range and effort than our mountain in WV would provide.

While WV is raw and beautiful... it is obviously nowhere near as vast as Montana, Idaho or Alaska. And with the primary vermin being coyotes, nosey black bears and crystal meth rednecks... maintenance and training of such large dogs does not remain logical.

We will look at smaller breeds. Highly nimble remains paramount. The Mountain Cur dog was brought to my attention by a friend. They were born and bred in the Appalachian Mountains... and most of the breeders remain in the central eastern mountains.

Stumbled across one breeder in Wyoming if anyone in the northern Rockies has similar interest in the breed.

Since this thread is no longer about KBDs... I will ask if you have information about the Mountain Cur breed or knowledge of reliable breeders to please contact me by private message.

Thanks, Cash

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.