Originally Posted by xxclaro
Originally Posted by HuntnShoot
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine

It's a false argument. It's not that the burgers don't contain meat. It's all the other schitt they contain besides meat that make them a problem. If you don't think so, look at people who eat regularly at McDonalds. They're fat, and sick, and full of toxins, and it's obvious just by looking at them.

You figure they are fat and sick because they regularly eat McD's? I'm not arguing that it's a good choice for regular eating, but that could be said for a whole lot of things besides McDonald's. I'd be more inclined to believe they are fat and sick because their whole lifestyle makes them fat and sick. If they otherwise are well and exercised properly, I don't think the McD's will do them all that much harm.

Yeah...its dumb.

I am MAGA.