Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by SamOlson
And for the record I have not worn a mask.

I have asked several businesses and they've all said you don't need to worry about it.

If they said wear one I would.

It's their store and I'd follow their rules.

I guess the Honorable Bullock just threw Phillips County under the bus for being a bunch of stupid country folks.

I wonder who in the hell he is trying to impress.

You MT boys have one of the most important Senate races in the Nation.

Daines might or might not be the greatest thing short of sliced bread but Bullock could stop trump from appointing a fixer to the Supreme Court.

Let's hope the Hunters/Sportsmen of MT don't get hoodwinked like they did with Testor.

That said, I so far have avoided masking up but I doubt it's a hill worth dying on, figuratively.

I need to make a Costco run to Billings and I suspect I will get a bit of use out of the Kewl Kryptek masks I got a my Wyo Gov Shoot.

Saw a friend at the store yesterday. He and his wife were no wearing a mask.

He had asked the manager if she would throw him out if he didn't wear a mask. She said no, she would not throw them out.

I am MAGA.