Originally Posted by TrueGrit
Originally Posted by gunswizard
Who GAF if you wear a mask or you don't ! Get a life already !

I don't GAF if you wear a mask, but a lot of mask wearers seem to GAF that I won't wear a mask. The mask wearing women have more balls than the mask wearing men.

There was an excellent movie a while back had scenes in it about how th EPA recommends the use of used motor oil as lawn fertilizer... it was called Fight Club.

There is a fight scene in that movie where Tyler Durden confronts Lou in a similar type manner regarding mask wearing or not.

This scene was filmed prior to the current 2020 Karen initiative... yet it still remains relevant in my humble opinion

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.