Jesus has had his hand on my shoulder since before I could walk.....I can do a great top ten for you.
1) Ran a chevy Cavalier into a Fuel Tanker truck at 35 miles per hour in a white out and got 1000 stitches out of it. Popped my eyeball out of its socket and went through 10 units of blood and 2 of plasma. I was blind for a month yet I healed and now I see.
2) Fell into the main branch of the Copper River without a life jacket and ended going about 1/2 mile down in the main channel.
3) Stuck in a winter storm for 10 days in the Talkeetna Mts without a tent and with cotton clothes( i was 18).
4) Got into a gunfight with a mentally ill neighbor and buffaloed him but good.
5) Survived 4 years at Harvard probably being the only student since the 1600s who hunted Pigeons and squirrels for food and meat.
6) Made it across Kobuk Lake with my Bear Cat on April 16th. Several parts were over open water - water mobbing in a place that is not good to water mob.
7) Was stabbed 5 times by a 4 grader with an 8 inch shiv in the back in my lung area.
8) Stayed over night in the Chicago greyhound bus station during a gang fight while I was traveling from Grand parents in SD to MA.
9) Fell into a beaver dam with a hind quarter of a moose on my back in the dark in about 8 ft of water.
10) Took a header and fell about 70ft down an avalanche slide and hit a tree face first. I woke up about 2 AM with blood all over my face and wound up 1 inch shorter from the process.

I was way worse when I was younger.

Last edited by kaboku68; 08/18/20.