Lots of shidt eating cumguzzling child sacrificing devil worshipping ....... on here it seems.

For my own part, if a guy is sitting on a stash of whatever, and he sees the going rate is crazy high and sells at the going rate who could fault him? Certainly not I.

If a store buys at a certain price point, and sells and a slightly higher price point that's how it works. If their cost to acquire the stuff they are selling goes up, how can they not raise their price accordingly? Again no eggs flung from me.

If a store buys at the previous price point, sees how high things are going and jacks the price they are selling at to reflect market price on something they bought at the previous price point I hope their water lines burst, the sewer backs up and they lose their ass in repairs and go bankrupt. After which they can't make the note on their car, which gets repo'd and their house gets foreclosed on and they eat [bleep] out of dumpsters for nourishment.

If a "person" patronizes a store that is doing the right thing and selling items with normal markup, then turns around and flips them for obscene profit.... well karma is a bitch. These are the same "people" who would break into your house, kill your wife and rape your kids and say it's your fault for not being there to stop it.