How bout this, commies? I say we push another conservative justice on y’all, and hell yes we stalled Garland. Same schit y’all would do if you could, but as proven, you can’t. So suck it.

We are going to ram DJT down your collective throats for another four years, push at least one more conservative onto that court, maybe two, and pack lower courts with them, too. We are going to fundamentally change America to a place more to OUR liking, and y’all can either live here and be miserable, or move to China. Those are your safe options.

[bleep] with us and starting a civil war will be the end of y’all’s romp, permanently. Best just take your lumps and lick your wounds until such time as a future generation is stupid enough to let you win a race again. Because I damn sure won’t, and neither will any of my friends, family or kids, nor any of their kids. We are all fed up with your schit, and serious about making communism extinct, via decimation and of the liberal species. And it doesn’t matter to most of us whether that is by voting or more kinetic measures. Your goose is cooked, go find some other place to be mentally ill.