I live my life the same as I did before Covid for the most part I refuse to wear the mask or to jump through the hoops. I wouldn’t deliberately want it. The flu is no fun. If I get it I’m not all that worried about it and I’d get an automatic two weeks minimum paid off of work. So it wouldn’t be all bad. Probably be sick around the house for a week and then spend a week bird hunting.

I think I might have had it around Christmas this year. My wife’s an RN at the only urgent care in our town. She obviously comes into contact with a lot of sick people. I had a mild fever for a few days and something that felt like a cold. It dragged out a little longer than a typical cold probably about a week. I had a dry hacking cough/coughing spasms for close to a month before the cough eventually went away. I wasn’t sick enough to miss any work over it but with all of the coughing people probably wished that I had. It was obviously before Covid was on anybody’s radar and I couldn’t miss a months work over coughing spasms.

Last edited by TheLastLemming76; 10/14/20.