Originally Posted by MAC
What makes the OP think they are going to show the evidence anywhere but in court. The cold hard fact of the matter is that until the states certify the election, which none have, there is no reason to show evidence. Only upon the attempt to certify it will it be challenged in the courts and then evidence will be presented to the court.

If the GOP brought forth any evidence right now the DNC would simply circle the wagons or falsify even more records/documents. Never tip your hand. This is a poker game and you never show what you are holding until the final bets are made.

Sounds reasonable. My media source has all but dried up but the only one I really listen to has no shortage of accusations.
Am afraid to find out just how much of that is true or not true.

GeoW, President Elect

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Thomas Jefferson

GeoW, The "Unwoke" ...Let's go Brandon!

"A Well Regulated Militia" Life Member