1. The Dominion voting software in AT LEAST Georgia and Pennsylvania, mysteriously flipped anywhere from 12-15k votes in a software "glitch". Somehow, even though it's mathematically impossible, 100% of those thousands of votes flipped from Trump to Biden. Not a single Biden vote flipped to Trump. This is not a rumor or conspiracy. Actual voting officials in those states have acknowledged the problem and reported it. How many of the other 100s of counties out there that used that software had a similar event?

2. Dozens of eye witness testimony has been collected in sworn, legal, written affidavits. Some of those people are Democrat election staff. They may have wanted Biden to win, but surprisingly, they were disgusted by their own party and their own ethics compelled them to come forward despite threats on their lives and the lives of their families. These people have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

3. Multiple postal workers have given testimony that their supervisors ordered them, against federal law, to illegally back date thousands of ballots that came in after the deadline, so they could be counted as legal votes.

4. Thousands of dead people voted. Thousands of non residents voted. Thousands of non citizens voted. ALL FUGGIN DEMOCRATS!!!

5 Some counties counted more votes than they have actual registered voters.

Sorry Geo for being blunt. Not trying to be disrespectful at all, but lots of these scenarios have been discussed in multiple threads. So the question is how much evidence is enough?

Progressives are the most open minded, tolerant, and inclusive people on the planet, as long as you agree with everything they say, and do exactly as you're told.