Originally Posted by Bob_H_in_NH

Let's assume fraud, on a significant level, is proven. What's the options to settle things:

- A re-vote is not an option, logistically impossible to organize and execute in time, and I don't think it's allowed in the laws/constitution
- Most likely can't "toss out" bad ballots as once they are in they are in. You MIGHT be able to align a vote to an ID to a ballot, but that takes time
- Can the SC void the entire thing and toss it to Congress?
- Technically the states can ignore the vote and submit electors as they see fit

What if fraud is proven, but not to a scale to actually matter?

What if illegalities, such as R watchers not being allowed, is proven, that doesn't prove bad votes, implies it but not proves it.

When Alito told the States contested ballots had to be segregated and they failed it cast doubt on the vote which can be considered negatively by the court. Those states have options based on their own law and usually involve electors being chosen by the legislature.

Same with poll watcher issues.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.