Originally Posted by Bob_H_in_NH

Let's assume fraud, on a significant level, is proven. What's the options to settle things:

- A re-vote is not an option, logistically impossible to organize and execute in time, and I don't think it's allowed in the laws/constitution
- Most likely can't "toss out" bad ballots as once they are in they are in. You MIGHT be able to align a vote to an ID to a ballot, but that takes time
- Can the SC void the entire thing and toss it to Congress?
- Technically the states can ignore the vote and submit electors as they see fit

What if fraud is proven, but not to a scale to actually matter?

What if illegalities, such as R watchers not being allowed, is proven, that doesn't prove bad votes, implies it but not proves it.

In time? In time for What? Inauguration of a traitorous grifter?



Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member