Originally Posted by BALLISTIK
Originally Posted by JSTUART

The problem as I see it is that whites as a group don't have enough "screw you" in their DNA, admirable but not a winning trait.

Wrong, us whites have the most capabilities for F(_)CK YOU on large scale... after all we told the most powerful army & navy to GO F(_)CK THEMSELVES 240+ years ago. White people's "problems", IF it can be stated as such is that we are too altruistic, believing that 'everyone else would do the same for me if they had the leg up', but that doesn't apply to other species, and especially today, doesn't even exist within our own. That bullshit only lives in disney movies 30 years after Walt's passing, because even he knew how despicable (((they))) were, but now they own his company.

Why didn’t you simply mention ((((them)))))) as the problem in your first post and cut the chase ?

240 yrs ago a simple, dedicated minority overthrew the machine. Today a simple, dedicated minority appears to be about to overthrow another machine,

History repeats. Different players.

The degree of my privacy is no business of yours.

What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.