Originally Posted by las
White people are not a species. All people are the species.

Eventually (maybe not too distant) we will all be "colored" due to the mixing of the races, if we don't extinct ourselves first.

If we get , say, a no-bullheet pandemic or somone pushes the red button and all modern transportation breaks down, with a drastically reduced world population, it is likely some distinct and/or isolated groups of "ethnic purity" may survive. That's more or less how the races came to be anyway.

I cannot see a happy ending for the human race as we know it now, much less that of my younger years, which is already gone down the toilet.

As I see it, the whole earth's human population is the problem, and largely entirely the root cause of that lies at the feet of altruistic white folk. We (well, they, actually, as I'm not overly altruistic) continue to prop up "junk races" in "junk regions" that should have been allowed to come to their end in their own natural time. By doing that, they are responsible for the unchecked population explosion that will soon eradicate all of us. Again, simply because they had to interfere...