Ask any of the "race doesn't matter" people, should the black race be allowed to exist? Should the Asian races be allowed to exist? Should the jewish race be allowed to exist??? Should they be allowed to have their own countries? The answer will usually be "OF COURSE". But then ask these self-hating Whites if the White race should be allowed to exist, if White people should be allowed to live in their own countries, and you get mumbling and stumbling and "you're crazy! Whites are not being wiped out!" and "White people are evil colonialists!", and "White nations should embrace others, and enrich their cultures", blah, blah, blah.

Race is not a cultural construct. Culture is a racial construct. It is painfully obvious, yet people today refuse to acknowledge it because a hundred years of propaganda, social engineering, and teaching White people to hate themselves, their history, their culture, has taken its toll. They are terrified of being called "racist". Today, being "racist" is the most horrible, heinous crime imaginable. Mass murderer, rapist, puppy kicker... all pale in comparison to the pure evil of the "racist".

I am a White man. I do NOT want to live in a multicultural paradise. I do not want to live surrounded by chattering Mestizos or shuckin' and jivin' negroes. I would like to live among my own kind. Is that wrong? Other races are allowed this, but not mine? I am proud of my ethnicity, my heritage, and my culture (which is pretty much gone now). I am NOT very proud of much of my race today. They have let themselves be corrupted by others. I can blame the Chosen Tribe, and I do, but Whites are the ones who have allowed themselves to be corrupted. It's sad and disgusting. I'm reaching the point where I think that if the White race wants to see itself destroyed, then piss on them. They deserve it. I'm just sad that I have to see it happening right before my eyes.