Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by JakeBlues
I'd be damned tempted to move there, if for nothing else, to have that governor.

The governor is a moron. It's one thing to leave your state wide open, allowing people to assume risk as they see fit. But to assert that protective measures don't work is plain damn dumb.

Other than basic common sense and washing your hands what REALISTIC protective measures work? Mask don’t work.

Are you telling me that a mask cannot stop some of the virus from a positive person from escaping the mouth and nose?

What he's saying, is that even the CDC states that mask usage does not seem to have any impact statistically on the rate the disease spreads. On an individual by individual basis, there might be some validity to it, but those instances get lost in the mass of infections by other means.

Second, unless the mask wearer is coughing and sneezing large droplets - then a mask does nothing. Not one dang thing. You see someone coughing and sneezing while out shopping - just stay the heck away from them. Done.