Correct in the practical sense.

The mask that I see most people wearing, the ear loop mask that’s white on one side and blue on the other. My employer buys them by the case and mandates there use to gain entry into the building despite the box they come in saying “Warning this is an ear loop mask it is not a respirator. And It Will Not Provide Any Protection Against COVID-19 Or Any Other Virus.”

The mask say right on the box that they ship in that they do not protect against Covid or any other virus. Even if you were to believe that the mask could filter out the virus which it can’t it would still require perfect mask procedures and hygiene to be effective.

People using the same mask for a day or more at a time without washing it, kids with runny noses and mask on, people touching the contaminated, warm, humid, human breath covered mask with bare hands and then touching anything else, people sitting those mask on dashboards, in purses ect. resulting cross contamination of anything else. When you factor all of that in and that the mask can’t stop micro germs to begin with mask are absolutely worthless short of a full on proper biohazard gear and then following the proper procedures

Last edited by TheLastLemming76; 11/24/20.