Shoot a higher FOC arrow. The added weight will shrink the gap.
You might end up being able to use the arrow tip as a sight.
The higher the anchor, the less gap.

Middle finger corner of mouth seems doable, split or 3 under.

I prefer to shoot without conscious gap aiming. But that takes a lot of repetition to burn in the sight pictures.

Got hurt one year and went 3 under, higher anchor and was able to use tip as sight. It was stupid easy.
Drilled my deer at 25 yards, perfect.

It is however, stilted...........not fluid.

"look and shoot" and a medium high anchor just feels better to me overall.
And I had 5 deer in a row using that method.

But I also had a range in my yard that went to 40 yards.
You can be sloppy and do well, 20 and in.

40 yards shows your problems. Slop doesn't work there LOL
Creep or pluck and she's way out.

LOL, coyote spooked a deer I crawled up to intercept ( was feeding to the blowdown I snuck into).
Spent 45 mins after the spot to get in there.

Blowing? heard her run off. Stood and here came a coyote.
Drilled him.
42 yards.

Like shooting my target in the back yard at 40 LOL
Nonconscious gap shooting, but at that D it was "set it on my hand" kinda sight picture.

Last edited by hookeye; 12/11/20.