How many .375s have you seen? Me, I've seen zero.

Thus my point about chamberings, and my choice for the 95.

Okay, I see. You prefer the '95 Winchester because it's easier to find one of those in a traditional levergun chambering, like the .30-40 Krag. (grin)

I'm a big fan of leverguns, generally, and the '95 Winchester is an interesting design, and it has a colorful history, to boot. I'll admit, though, that the protruding box magazine is a deal breaker, for me. I'd be happy to hang one on the wall, but would not care to hunt with one, given my 'druthers.

Elmer Keith wasn't a big fan of the '95's form, either. He once likened it to "a poisoned pup, ripening in the sun." A harsh critique, maybe, but Elmer wasn't one to beat around the bush.
