Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Pull an abscessed tooth without novocaine before you long for the good old days.

I yearn to have ridden a horse into any one of many, many Idaho mountain meadows and observe a herd of cattle peacefully grazing there before any fences broke the scene, and well before hundreds or thousands of homes infested the areas.
But honestly, I never could have lived to see such things. I would have been dead at least three different times before I hit 20 years of age had I been born a couple or three decades earlier.
Heart issues at birth
Staff infection in my ears at six years
Appendicitis in my teens
Yes, all things considered, it is a good time to be alive.

Same. A nasty ear infection as a young kid and a bad reaction to the chicken pox would have done me in before 20.
Pneumonia before antibiotics would have killed me be fore I was 6, and appendicitis at age 13. I bet over half of us would not have made it to age 20. As I made my rounds I walked through many old rural graveyards. They had lots of kids buried in them. Probably were a lot more there without markers. There were a lot more people living out in those pine woods than there are now. A lot of fairly young women are represented in those graveyards also. Life was hard and money was almost non existent. Our family traded hogs for town goods, traded labor for sawed lumber, ground corn on halves, the only money they could earn was with the little cotton they could raise. But they understood the children needed to go to school and a lot of families scraping by in the late 1800s and early 1900s didn't.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."