Originally Posted by Cretch
Right now. Even though the pioneer days and the World War II era seems fascinating to some, Like the song goes, you should of seen it in color. Might change your mind. Although it might be great to visit, wouldn't want to stay.

Just as an example, I spent a lot of time with my buddy who went through The Bulge. I'm probably one of the few people that has experienced second-hand PTSD. Some of John's stories were so vivid that I found myself getting triggered for a while, especially after talking about his time up on the Sigfried line. Walking through pine forests for a while was really hard for me. So was hiking in the rain.

The PTO was as bad or worse. I had a uncle-in-law that got caught below decks in a Kamikaze attack. Until he finally gave it up to Christ, they used to have to lock him in his bedroom when it got bad.That went on for over 30 years.

As to the Pioneers, I've recently had to put down my copy of Dark and Bloody River. I got to the massacre at Gnadenhutten and started asking myself why I was doing this to myself. The book is just one story after another of one side catching the other off guard and killing them in the most brutal fashions imaginable.

Even before the war, things weren't too cool. My Dad was over in 1938 with his family, visiting the relatives. The local gauleiter invited the family to a book burning. Dad had nightmares of it for years.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer