Originally Posted by jackmountain
If it’s let stand, word will get around and I’ll have a bigger mess than I will now.
I absolutely hate a thief and a liar. Lowest form of man there is other than a pedophile. If he had rights he should’ve came while I was there and exercised them. Sneaking in, in the night isn’t the way white men handle things.
Well, if you don't plan to do this with a court order, why don't you use his method? Sneak over while he is gone and bring it to your house. That way, when you kill him over a trailer you will have a fighting chance to stay out of prison. It will at least be on your place where you belong and not on his place.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."