Wondering if there are any folks on here that can advise on a on the impacts on a person later in life that had polio in the 1920 thru early 1950's epidemic. Personal experience or that of someone you know. Did your / their physical ability or functionality decrease or other re-occurring health issues come on with age?

The reason for asking is I had polio with a direct impact of a smaller shorter leg leg and a curved spine. Now at 69 I am starting to have weakness in both legs, a hip issue (most likely due to the imbalance of leg lengths) and more shortness of breath issues. In seeing a physiotherapist that works with people that have had polio she advised that part of my breathing capacity could be due to polio in the spine as long term research has found that for people that had the disease in the upper body there was a high probability of reduced lung capacity as they aged. This does not show up as lung scarring just reduced capacity.

It will be interesting to see the tracking for long term impacts from people recovered from the current virus.
