Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by Formidilosus
Originally Posted by CBB

Amazed it was even a question? Orders are order but wtf? I've been. Worried about this scenario for a while.

Would any active military turn their weapons on American Civilians

The people that still think that police and military will do anything other than follow orders, are willfully naive, and idealistically ignorant. The entire culture of the military and LE is setup around the conditioning of following orders. Stop with the “but they took an oath”. Yes they did. And none of them can recite it, or know what it means.

You guys have an idealized image of the patriotic soldier that doesn’t actually exist.


It's always easy to see the quality of the troops one served with.

May those chains rest lightly.

Don't get in the way.

Just Sayin.

Your average National Guard troop and their immediate leadership may be more grounded than you think. It's just possible they are still the farmer soldiers that they have always been. Joined up for a variety of reasons but the decimation of America is likely not one. Opinion from someone that has no reason to know...for that you should contact the PAO. I will say that for a typical guard unit it would be a lot easier to walk away, then it would be to take down a family member, friend, neighbor.

Liberalism; The impossible yet accepted notion that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.