Originally Posted by ingwe
I think the NG did err. They took an oath to defend the constitution , and they had a perfect opportunity to do so while they had that batch of traitors surrounded.

Could have easily staged a coup then and there...instead they left it up to others to do later, because it will have to be done.

I meant about surrendering their Ammunition..

Not that New Hampshire, in addition to Texas and Floridians has now (yesterday) recalled their troops.

Per the National Guard inauguration task force Commander G..Burkhead
Capitol Police, watch Commander Authorized the guard to reenter the capitol.

So the guard were put under the Command of the Capitol Police?
The Head of whom was forced to resign....
Starting to look like a big shell game to me...


"If memory serves fails me..."
Quote: ( unnamed) "been prtty deep in the cooler todaay "

Television and radio are most effective when people question little and think even less.