Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
Republicans could win every election if they would only do two simple things!

1) Separate Church and State

2) Run on term limits across the board

I'll add a third that would seal the deal

3) Get corporations out of the political process!

I'd add a fourth pt Republicans need to quit worrying and advocating against abortion. When you look at the figures and demographics of the women who use abortion for birth control not having more of their kids won't hurt the country more than the dems do. Conservative and religious women do not even consider having an abortion. The ones that do we don't need reproducing anyway. It's a real hotspot with all women and it's costing the conservative right elections. Leave the issue alone until you have total support of overturning roe vs wade by women. Mb

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "