does it even matter any more??

as the public, we need to throw them all out of office and start over...

That is what the Supreme Court should have done with this last election and made them start over...
while stopping mail in voting and having each station under video for each ballot that was counted...

And there are a bunch of democRATS who are still trying to impeach Trump after he's out of office, that ought to have a 25th Amendment
invoked on them, like they plan on doing to Biden eventually....and put them in memory care units...

Pelosi, Chuck U. " Erection" Schumer, Nadler..etc... plenty more need to be locked up in a looney bin, for not living in the real world...

Adam Schitt who needs to be locked up in a looney bin for being a lying A Whole...

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez